Empowering Women: A Stitch Towards Progress – One Stitch at a Time

Chaltakhali Swamiji Seva Sangha (CSS Trust) held a seminar and awareness programme on Women Empowerment for Improving Sustainable Livelihood in West Tripura district of the state.

Empowerment has been regarded as one of the vital issues for human beings. The human civilization has been made by both males as well as by the female. So, to ensure that women are also treated equally; CSS Trust came forward together with Dr. B.R Ambedkar Grameen Bikash Samity to hold a seminar and an awareness programme.

In the seminar, we discussed about the importance of women empowerment and how the women can improve their quality of life. The women who attended the seminar got a better perception of their role in society and understood how to take steps to improve their lives.
At the end of the seminar, several sewing machines were bequeathed to the women who attended the seminar and wanted to improve their daily lives by earning capital by their own efforts.

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