Teaching People About the Rubber industry of Tripura.

Chaltakhali Swamiji Seva Sangha (CSS Trust) held a Rubber Training Programme in South Tripura district of the state to teach the residents the benefits for proper rubber extraction processes.

Natural rubber is the most important cash crop in Tripura. Since its introduction in 1963 by the State Forest Department, Tripura has become 2nd largest producer of natural rubber in the country,

after Kerala, accounting for about 9% of the total production of India. Tripura also has the second largest rubber growing area in the country, after Kerala.
Rubber Plantation was initially taken up as a livelihood generation for the tribal people of Tripura.
Falling under the category of skill training programme, the rubber training programme was held in the hope of improving the rubber extracting methods and introducing new advanced methods to

enhance the rate and quality of production. Many village residents participated and were very eager to learn new things from the team. The programme was a huge success and looking forward to holding a Rubber Training Programme again in another village of Tripura.

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